Friday, July 20, 2012

Ready for the Next Adventure?!?!

So here I am starting to get anxious about this next surgery.  Its the same thing each time, you would think that I would get used to it by now.  It just doesn't get any easier.  Julia left this morning with my parents to start the road trip to West Palm and I am missing her already.  I fly out with Madi on Monday.  I am just trying to focus on letting Madi play and have fun running around since she will be off of  her feet for 6 weeks after this surgery.  I really hope it goes fast!  As you can imagine, its not easy keeping a 3 year old immobile for 6 minutes let alone 6 weeks.  I keep praying that this surgery will work and we will get her hip to heal the way that Dr. Paley wants it to. 
    Although I am anxious about the surgery, I am excited that we may be able to meet some new friends while we are down there. There are several kids down there that are in the lengthening process.  Its always so nice for Madi to meet other kids just like her and of course it is nice to meet other parents that know just how I am feeling. 
    That's all I have for now.  Stay tuned...  I will update as we get closer to the surgery which is scheduled for Wed. July 25th.   Thank you for all of the prayers!