Sunday, August 15, 2010

Times a tickin'

Well surgery date keeps getting closer. It seems the closer it gets the more anxious I become. 6 weeks (eeeek!) I got plane tickets bought and the condo lease ready to be sent. Things are moving right a long. Somewhere in the back of my head I just want to say nevermind, can't put my little angel through this! I just keep reminding myself that this is going to help her so much and it really is the best thing for her. I have been trying to get everything ready for our trip. Cleaning stores out of 2t summer dresses! If my little Madi has to be stuck in a cast for 6 weeks, she might as well be styling while she does it, right? I have also been trying to come up with everything I can to entertain to kids on the plane ride down. We got Julia the fisher price ixl, which is like a little ipad for kids. So cool. Of course the blessed portable dvd player will be coming with us too( thanks Susie!!) Since I am flying down alone with the kids my only worry is keeping Julia with me in the airport. Now as much as I have criticized those folks that put those leash like apparatuses on their children, I am now thinking that might not be such a bad idea for the airport. I can't believe I am saying that! Oh well, you do what you have to do.
On a more exciting note, Julia and Madi had their double birthday party last week. Julia turned 4 years old. My how the time does fly and Madi turns 2 in Sept. I decided that since Madi's birthday was so close to surgery time that I didn't really want her around a lot of people and risk her getting sick so Julia so sweetly shared her party with Madi. We have so been so blessed to have such amazing support and help from our family and friends. I really need to send a huge thank you out to all of you!!! We love you so much and we don't know how we would do this without you! I will continue to keep you all posted on our journey!