Monday, October 11, 2010

Sick of Surprises

So we brought Madi home on Saturday  in the afternoon.  She was glad to be leaving the hospital.  She is so leery of medical professionals now that anytime anyone came in the room she would scream bloody murder.  Upon leaving the hospital we decided to go get her prescriptions filled, one pain med, one for Valium and and antibiotic.  So we go to the closest Walgreen's to our condo.  Well they don't carry the pain med or the Valium.  Nice!  So we go on to a CVS pharmacy and they don't carry them either. While in the parking lot we call Target, Walmart, other Walgreen's etc... No one carries them!  Call the hospital and they say they don't have an outpatient pharmacy.  So long story short, finally found a Walgreen's that carried the pain med and said that they would call around and see if any other Walgreen's had the Valium.  Meanwhile Madi is asleep in the car thank goodness!  Finally get the prescriptions just in time to get home and get her the pain meds. 
  So later that evening around 8pm, Julia starts throwing up.  She throws up all night long and all day long the next day.  She can't keep anything down and is starting to look seriously dehydrated.   So Sunday night my dad and I take Julia to the Emergency room while my mom stays with Madi.  The doctor at the er decides to give her a shot of zofran and has her drink a little Gatorade and sends us home.  As soon as we get home, she throws up again!!  UUGGHH!!  So we load her back up and take her  back to the er.  This time they decide to give her some iv fluids, which is what they probably should have done the first time!  It took them 3 times to get the iv since she was so dehydrated.  She was such a trooper.  Mean while Madi is at the condo with my mom.  She has been throwing huge fits of frustration and throws big fits when we try to give her the pain meds.  Needless to say, my mom had a rough time.  About 5am Monday morning we are taking Julia home, re hydrated and tired.  Just in time to get a couple of hours of sleep and get up for Madi's appt with Dr. Paleys PA, Servando. 
  We get to Madi's appt and she starts throwing a fit as soon as we get to the room.  Can't even tell you how bad the fit got when they had to saw the cast to remove it.  I can only imagine how scary that must be for a two year old.  Scares me a little.  We get her out of her cast and Servando looks at her incision which he said is healing so well!!  That is awesome.  Showed us the pins in her knee, a little scary, but I just better get used to that.  She fussed the whole time we were there.  While he was examining her we noticed a small bulge on her lower abdomen.  Since we had never seen it before he wanted us to see a pediatrician to make sure it wasn't a hernia.  Seriously!!!  This is just what a needed!!!  I have one kid in a spica cast recovering from surgery, the other is having to go to the er from dehydration from vomiting so much and now there is the possibility of another surgery for a hernia!!!  I am done!!  Burst into tears at the mention of seeing a general surgeon.  Servando assures me that he really doesn't think that's the case but just wants to be cautious and see what the other doctor says.  Ok.  Pediatrician examines her and say that it does not feel like a hernia and is most likely due to all the swelling in the area from surgery.  Could just be a little fluid or swelling but nothing to worry about.  WHEW!!  Finally back to the condo and I am exhausted!!  I am so ready to go home!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So we were finally able to see Madi at 12:30 am.  Almost 12 hours later.  It was such a long wait but she looked pretty good when we saw her.  She even cracked a little smile.  Dr. Paley said that he fixed her femur and her hip.  He also created 3 new ligaments in her knee that she did not have and removed some tissue behind her knee so she could have full extension of the knee.  They put her in a spica cast and put some pins in her knee to keep her knee straight so it would heal right.  He told us we would have to come back in 6 weeks to have the pins removed. 
   Madi rested pretty comfortably last night and really has not had any pain at all, thanks to the epidural which she will have until Friday.  Because the surgery was so long they decided to keep her in the pediatric intensive care unit.  She was able to get into a wheel chair for about an hour but was really not happy about it.  I think she was scared that they were going to do something else to her.  Mikey spent the day today with Julia who is handling it pretty well.  She has seen pictures of Madi but cannot see her until she gets into a regular room.  Hopefully tomorrow.  She is anxious to get to see her.  Mikey is set to go back home first thing tomorrow morning.  I don't think he really wants to go.  I know it will be hard on him not being here.  All of the PA's, nurses and anesthesiologist are so nice and a helpful.  I was able to get a chance to come back to the condo while Mikey is with Madi so I can take a shower and eat some dinner and see Julia.  I will go back to spend the night with Madi.  Hopefully she will have a good night.  Not so easy to see her like this, but I know it is all the best for her in the long run and she is handling it so well.  She is an angel!  There is no wi-fi in her room now so I am only able to make updates when I get to the condo.  I will do my best.  Thanks to all of our family and friends who have been sending their prayers.  They are working!  Keep them coming as she has a long road ahead of her!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Surgery Begins

So we arrived at the hospital at 8:00 am for Madi's superhip surgery that was scheduled to begin at 10:00am.  They didn't actually take her back to surgery until 1:30pm.  It was a long wait but the PA's told us that Madi's surgery was the longest one that day and they wanted to get all of the smaller ones done first so they could all focus on her for the rest of the day.  Luckily she did pretty well waiting for so long with no food or drink.  They gave her "goofy juice"(aka versed) around 9:15(when they thought surgery would be around 10).  The goofy juice made her so funny, like a drunk little baby.  Well the "juice" wore off long before surgery time, but she was pretty good.  They let me dress up and take her back to the surgery room to stay with her until they put her to sleep.  She fussed some and kept pulling the bonnet(surgical hat) she was wearing over the eyes like she was trying to hide.  Only took 30 seconds or so for her to be off in dreamland.  This time was not quite as hard as the MRI since I kind of knew what to expect.  Mikey and I went to the cafeteria as soon as I came back out, since we also had not eaten that morning.  That is pretty much all I have so far.  Hopefully they will come out with an update soon.  The hospital staff has been great, very nice and accommodating.  All of the doctors and nurses are great with Madi and seem to just love her (of course)!  Will post more updates as I get them.  Was told that the surgery could be a least 5 hours if not longer so we have a long day ahead of us.  Keep the prayers coming!!