Thursday, August 11, 2011

Busy Summer

Well so much for blogging on a more regular basis.  I have no excuses but just being too tired at the end of my days to sit on the computer.  I apologize.  Lets see, where did I leave off.  Madi has been doing amazingly well since her surgery in October.  She is back to being my little dare-devil!  Climbing furniture, jumping off couches and giving me little heart attacks all day long!  We went back to see Dr. Paley in May for a follow up appointment to see how she was healing and we left with more than we anticipated.  We got new x-rays while we were there and then waited for our turn.  Knowing how long it can take to see the doctor we came prepared with lots of snacks and toys.  Madi was in heaven with  lots of little kids to play with that were just like her!  We eventually were taken back to a room and when Dr. Paley first came in and wanted Madi up on the table she freaked out.  This girl has not forgotten what has happened in this office.  Dr. Paley asked me to just have her walk up and down the hall so he could watch her gait and then I got up on the table and held Madi in my lap and she was perfectly fine.  Even laughed when Dr. Paley tickled her.  He looked at her xrays and told us that the bone around her hip was growing in but not as much as he would have liked.  He then told us that he wanted to go in and put more of the bone growth material in the area to stimulate the bone to grow more.  He said some kids just need a little more and its not a big deal.  Its just an outpatient procedure.  Whew!  Not so fast though!  He continued to study the xrays and explained to us that he was not happy with the placement of the plate in her hip and that he would like to go in and remove and replace it.  This would be a 1-2 hour surgery with 1-2 nights in the hospital but no cast.  He then told us it needed to be done in the next 3 months.  Ok, while I was happy that things over all were not bad, I was not excited to have to plan another trip, let alone another surgery in three months.  As you all know we live quite a ways from Florida and each trip no matter how small is a huge expense.  Oh well, whatever Madi needs we will somehow make happen.  So we scheduled the surgery for the end of August and went on with the summer.  It has been quite busy getting Julia ready for kindergarten and getting ready for this next trip.  Since Julia is starting school and Mikey is in school and working. We decided that I would go to Florida with Madi and my father would come with us.  My mom would stay home to help with Julia.  We should be there a little over a week and I pray it will be simple and there will be no surprises.  I ask you all to pray for my little girl, that she will be strong and get through this next surgery with flying colors!  Her surgery is scheduled for Wednesday August 31st.  I will keep you all updated as we get closer!   Here are some pictures since a finally got them off of my phone.  Some are from her previous surgery and some from the summer. 


  1. We will keep Madie in our thoughts and prayers, she is a little warrior!

  2. More surgery is never fun. I will pray for endurance for your family! We know how exhausting medical things are for everyone!
